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Reporting and Ratings

We are committed to open and transparent reporting on all sustainability topics relevant to our business. 2024 starts the transition towards a new kind of integrated reporting under the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). We are preparing for full implementation of CSRD and will be adopting this approach to reporting for the full calendar year of 2025.



Latest Reports

Our Sustainability Leadership Plan

Through electricity as an enabler of regeneration, we are driven to make a difference for planet, place and people. This summary of our Sustainability Leadership Plan sets out our key ambitions and the actions we will take, as they relate to these three pillars.

Read the Plan

Net Zero 2040 Pathway Report

Our Net Zero Pathway Report outlines how we are working towards achieving our strategic ambitions by 2040, along with intermediate reduction targets and Strategic Performance Initiatives (SPIs). It also sets out the initiatives being undertaken by us to support decarbonisation across society more broadly.

Read the Report

Sustainability Data Disclosures for 2023

This year’s report is presented in the context of our Sustainability Leadership Plan, highlighting the data sets, ambitions and plans across three pillars including planet, place and people. As we prepare for the full implementation of CSRD reporting, we are also adopting this approach to reporting for the 2025 calendar year.

Read the Report

Our Annual Financial and Sustainability Reports

ESB Interim Financial Report 2024

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2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements

PDF | 11MB
All previous annual reports and investor presentations can be found on our Results, Presentations and Investor Updates page which can be accessed by clicking here  here

ESB Sustainability Report 2022


Tuarascáil Inbhuanaitheachta 2022

PDF | 13MB
Our 2023 Sustainability Report will be published in Q4 2024. All our previous Sustainability reports can be found in our Publications section which can be accessed here

Gender Pay Gap Report

A key focus of our Net Zero to 2040 Strategy is empowering its people to deliver its ambitious objectives with a strong values-based and inclusive culture. With the aim of creating a more inclusive workplace, we published our first Gender Pay Gap report in 2021 before the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 came into effect. Our 2022 report marked an improvement of 1.25 per cent from 2021 with targets and metrics in place to measure our progress.

Read More

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

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All previous gender pay gap reports can be found on our Publications page which can be accessed by clicking here.

Carbon Disclosure

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies and others to manage their environmental impacts. We have disclosed our emissions, emission reduction initiatives and climate risk management approach via CDP since 2009. In 2023, we scored an A- Leadership score from CDP.

Download the 2023 CDP Report

Our ESG Ratings and Standards

We are assessed by several sustainability rating agencies with these ratings an increasingly important consideration for our investors and stakeholders.  

Framework/StandardDescriptionRating Score (If Applicable)Latest assessment and/or reports
Carbon Disclosure ProjectThe leading system globally for disclosing environmental data for investors, companies, cities, states and regions. A-ESB CDP Score Report 2023
Global Reporting Initiative GRI provides a comprehensive set of reporting standards covering economic, environmental and social impacts.Our sustainability reporting and disclosure was prepared 'in accordance' with the core option of the GRI Standards.ESB Sustainability Report 2022
EU TaxonomyThe EU taxonomy provides definitions of the economic activities that can be considered environmentally sustainable. The Social Taxonomy provides criteria for social sustainability.  We report annually against the Taxonomy in our Annual Report. ESB Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023
Task force for Climate related financial disclosure  (TCFD)The TCFD has set out an approach to reporting on physical climate risk and transition risks and opportunities.N/AESB Sustainability Report 2022