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About Us

At ESB, we have been Ireland's foremost energy company since our establishment in 1927. We are driven to make a difference by achieving zero carbon emissions by 2040. We are a strong, diversified utility operating right across the electricity market: from generation, through transmission and distribution, to supply. We also work in other related sectors where we can make a difference, including telecommunications, electric vehicle charging, home retrofits and more.

Custodians of Ireland's Energy Future

ESB was established as a statutory corporation under the Electricity (Supply) Act 1927 to deliver a national electricity system. With a holding of 97.1 per cent. We are majority-owned by the Irish Government and the remaining 2.9percent held by the trustees of an Employee Share Ownership Plan.

Who We Are

At ESB, we believe that electricity is a social good that should be accessible and affordable for all. We also believe in acting with integrity and transparency, protecting the world around us and creating an inclusive and flexible culture that protects and empowers people. Across our diverse range of businesses, we use our capability and expertise to develop smart and sustainable energy solutions to tackle climate change, one of the biggest challenges facing society today.

By delivering reliable, affordable and sustainable solutions for a zero-carbon world, we continue to transform lives and enable social and economic progress and change. This is our purpose.

windmills and people on beach

ESB Corporate Fact Sheet 2024

PDF | 807KB

Net Zero Emissions by 2040

We are harnessing all our resources to make this Brighter Future a reality. This includes making significant investment in our people and working collaboratively with partners to build trust, enhance the lives of our customers and drive economic progress. To this end, ESB is taking urgent and focused action to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2040.

Our Values

We're Courageous

This is an important moment for our customers, our industry, and our society. It is up to us to lead the way and help our customers to navigate the changes ahead. We need to have courage in our convictions and to stand up for what is right. Every one of us has a responsibility and an opportunity to shape the future we want to see.

We're Caring

At ESB, we are woven into the fabric of the communities we serve. We know these communities, and care for the people who are part of them. We also care about ourselves and for one another. We keep safety in mind, always. We want to look the next generation in the eye, knowing that we have done all we can. Our aim is to leave a positive legacy and build a Brighter Future for everyone.

We're Driven

At ESB, we approach every day with energy, passion and persistence. We want to make our business more efficient and sustainable for the long term. We do our best to make a genuine difference for our customers, our colleagues and our communities. We continuously look for ways in which we can improve our services for them.

We're Trusted

From the very beginning, we have worked hard to earn trust and build our reputation. We do this by putting our customers’ and communities’ needs first. As a result, we are trusted by society to build a Brighter Future. We are enabling progress, growth and possibility for future generations. It’s a big responsibility. Trust is precious. We must continue to earn and be worthy of it.