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ESB celebrates 90 years of powering Ireland

On Tuesday 28 of November, Minister Denis Naughten launched Irish Archives 2017, celebrating 90 Years of ESB in the beautiful surroundings of the Irish Architectural Archive in Merrion Square.

The journal is the result of a collaboration between ESB’s Archives and the Irish Society of Archives celebrating ESB’s 90th anniversary. Based on original archival research preserved in ESB’s Archive, National Archives and UCD Archives the journal consists of six papers from invited contributors of archival and academic institutions.

The papers provide a fascinating and diverse insight into ESB’s unique contribution to Irish society and include:

  • ESB: Advertising a Brighter Future
    Deirdre McParland, Senior Archivist, ESB’s Archives
  • The lighter side of rural electrification: REO News and the social history of the Rural Electrification Scheme in Ireland, 1947–1961
    Dr Kirsten Mulrennan, Archivist, ESB’s Archives
  • Evidence of New public Management During the Rural Electrification Scheme
    Dr Martin Quinn, Senior Lecturer and Head of Accounting, Dublin City University and Dr Liz Warren, Faculty of Business, University of Greenwich
  • ‘Cope the Modern Way’: El~ectricity and the Irish Housewife, 1930s-1960s
    Dr Ciara Meehan, Head of History, University of Hertfordshire
  • The Papers of Patrick McGilligan as a source for examining the electrification of the Irish Free State
    Kate Manning, Principal Archivist, UCD Archives
  • Sources on the history of ESB in National Archives of Ireland
    Brian Donnelly, Senior Archivist, National Archives


Irish Archives 2017 is now on sale in Easons nationwide.