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Two men wearing yellow high vis jackets and hard hats standing at a telecommunications site with a Tower in the background and both holding branded signs.

ESB Telecoms and Aurora Telecom announce new partnership

This partnership is designed to boost network resilience, expand service reach, and deliver more efficient and sustainable connectivity solutions. By integrating our networks, we can provide more robust connections and newl route options, all while meeting the increasing demand for data and connectivity in an environmentally responsible way.

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Solar Trial – Steps to Powering a Greener Future

At ESB Telecoms, we are committed to positively impacting society and are dedicated to making a difference in our drive to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

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Managing Director at ESB Telecoms opens the Ireland QCI conference

John Regan, Managing Director at ESB Telecoms opened the 3-day Ireland QCI (Quantum Communication Infrastructure) conference held in Dublin this week. ESB Telecoms provides the fibre infrastructure for the Ireland QCI project. Minister of State, Ossian Smyth from the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications was in attendance.

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Graphic with a headshot of man with grey hair and white shirt.

Announcement of John Regan as Managing Director of ESB Telecoms

We are delighted to announce another milestone in the growth and leadership of ESB Telecoms as we welcome our new Managing Director, John Regan, to the helm.

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Graphic for ESB Telecoms with its tagline 'The Future. Connected.'

Utilising our optical fibre network to enable a secure digital landscape

IrelandQCI, the ‘Building a National Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Ireland’ project involves the integration of innovative and secure quantum devices and systems with conventional communication infrastructures. This will be done by utilising ESB Telecoms’ optical fibre network to provide an additional layer of security, all based on quantum physics.

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Image of six people including four men and two woman standing in front of an exhibition stand with decorative wave going through the image.

ESB Telecoms Managing Director Celebrates Launch of the National Low Latency Platform (NLLP)

ESB Telecoms Managing Director Conor O'Regan celebrates the launch of the National Low Latency Platform and shares insights into how this will transform the Irish telecoms landscape, enabling local communities to access services quicker and more reliably.

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Graphic with background image of man climbing telecommunications tower and coloured wave going through the image

Three Areas of Focus to Ensure the Delivery of Safe and Efficient Connectivity Solutions

In today's climate, ESB Telecoms is more committed than ever to delivering safe and efficient connectivity solutions to its valued customers.

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ESB telecoms graphic illustrating a telecommunications tower and coloured wave.

ESB Telecoms: Making the Connection

ESB Telecoms Outgoing Managing Director Rory McGowan shares insights into ESB’s telecoms business division by detailing the market changes, challenges and the constant demand for power and speed that is shaping the future.

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Graphic with image of buildings and lights coming out of the buildings

Delivering Tomorrow’s Speeds to Today's Customers Through Fibre-enabled Towers

For those of us who are old enough to remember the turn of the millennium, you will nostalgically recall when a mobile phone did as it said it would do, allowing you to make and receive phone calls while you were on the move.

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Graphic with image of man climbing up a telecommunications tower

Delivering For a Connected Society

As we reflect on the past two years and emerge from lockdown, it is clear to many that our purchasing behaviour has changed.

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Graphic with image of man standing holding a laptop

What is the Nexus of Cloud Computing, Fibre Optic Technology and Infrastructure?

Over the last two years, Covid-19 has increased everyone’s awareness of the criticality of telecommunications and computer infrastructure – telecommunications have never been more central to how the world is run.

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