Your Rights
Under GDPR you have rights relating to the personal information we have collected from you. We’ve outlined nine rights afforded to you under the GDPR and how to submit a request under them. Below you can learn more about these rights and how to exercise them.
If you wish to submit a request under one of your nine GDPR rights, you can
- Email
- Or send a letter to: Data Protection Office, ESB Head Office, 27 Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 KT92, Ireland
Whatever your preferred method to contact us, please provide as much detail as possible to ensure we can identify your as an individual as well as validate and fulfil your request.
GDPR requests
- are subject to a 30 DAY delivery timeline (60-90 in some circumstances).
- must be submitted directly by you or by a third-party who has your express consent.
- may be subject to follow-up questions in order to verify your identity and validate your request.
Access My Data - Known as the Right to Access (Article 15)
You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold in relation to you, and further details about how we collect, share and use your personal information.
Typical requests submitted under Article 15: -
- The transcript of a specific call with our customer service team.
- Copies of all written correspondence between you and us (our service providers).
- A copy of all personal and account information retained by us.
NOTE: If you seek general account information (i.e. a utility bill reprint, meter readings or letter confirmation) as proof of residence, or are a representative acting on behalf of a commercial entity or deceased individuals estate please contact Electric Ireland customer service directly.
Update My Data - Known as the Right to Rectification (Article 16, 19)
If you think information, we hold in relation to you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request that we update the personal information.
Delete My Data - Known as the Right to Erasure, or the Right to be Forgotten (Article 17, 19)
You have the right to request that some or all of the personal information we hold in relation to you be erased. However, please note we may not be able to erase all your information due to our data retention policies as well as other legal or regulatory obligations to retain it.
Transfer My Data - Known as the Right to Data Portability (Article 20)
You have the right to take your personal data from us when changing service provider.
Restrict My Data - Known as the Right to Restrict Processing (Article 18, 19, 23)
You have the right to request that we temporarily stop collecting and using your personal information in certain situations, such as: - when you believe the information to be inaccurate.
Object to My Data being Processed - Known as the Right to Object to Processing (Article 21)
You have the right to object to us collecting and using your personal information in certain situations, such as: - direct marketing.
Object to Automated Decision-Making (Profiling) - Known as the Right to Object to Automated Decision-Making (Profiling) (Article 22)
You have the right to input into automated decisions (which affect you in a legal or a significant way) and have them reviewed manually by us.
You can raise a general query in relation to any aspect of data protection at ESB Group.
Please let us know if you have experienced or think you may be party to a personal data breach (i.e. receiving the mail of another customer).