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Back to Press Releases 10 August 2020

Rapid charging network for electric vehicles to be rolled out in Birmingham

As part of its commitment to cut carbon emissions, Birmingham City Council will start the roll-out of 100% renewable energy electric vehicle charge points across the city from Autumn 2020.

Major investment has been secured by the council to support electric vehicles in the city, including £2.92 million from the Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and through its newly-procured Electric Vehicle (EV) Network Development Partner, ESB EV Solutions. 

Over the next two years, an initial network of 394 ‘fast and rapid’ charge points will be installed across Birmingham, focusing on the city centre to support the electrification of Birmingham’s taxi fleet – but also accessible to the general public and local businesses. 

This initial network development will allow electric taxis, cars and vans to get moving quickly, picking up a significant charge in less than 30 minutes (depending on vehicle type). This will enable the expansion of the current charge point network and allow for further investment, where a pay-for-use model will be introduced across the network in the coming months following deployment of the first chargers. 

Birmingham City Council will work with ESB EV Solutions to develop and deliver a complete charging strategy for the next 12 years.  This will set-out plans for a truly city-wide EV charging system, focused on meeting the specific needs of all communities throughout Birmingham. Charge points will be deployed at key locations designed to provide Birmingham’s businesses and residents with a world-class EV charging experience. 

The electric vehicle charge point locations will be chosen based on a detailed assessment of predicted local demand, to ensure that the charge points provide maximum benefit to EV drivers. The network will support the uptake of EVs in Birmingham and represents a significant step in the city’s journey towards its net zero emissions future.

Councillor Waseem Zaffar, Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment said “This is huge news for our city, and a major step in supporting our climate emergency commitment to cut carbon emissions. What’s more, it will be a key driver in supporting the electrification of Birmingham’s taxi fleet which is a major step in us improving air quality in the city centre.

“This is a complete overhaul of our electric vehicle offering and I’m looking forward to seeing the first charging points being installed being later this year.”

Niall Hogan, Head of ESB EV Solutions said “We are delighted to partner with Birmingham City Council to provide a public charging network for electric vehicle drivers throughout the city. Having worked with Transport for London and Coventry City Council, we can see the huge benefit of building a sustainable future for our cities. We look forward to supporting Birmingham and all of its citizens as they transition to low carbon motoring."


Notes to Editor:
Business Breathes: Fleet operators that are looking to upgrade their fleet to electric vehicles are able to access specific support and information through Birmingham City Council’s ‘Business Breathes’ – including information on re-fuelling/EV charge point infrastructure:

ESB EV Solutions: ESB EV Solutions is a charge point operator (CPO) that has been growing its presence in the UK since 2017, with networks in London and Coventry. 
Working with Transport for London (TfL), ESB EV Solutions has installed, operates and maintains 94 rapid chargers across London with more chargers to follow in the coming months. 

In Coventry, ESB has partnered with Siemens to supply, install, operate and maintain rapid charge points for Coventry City Council (CCC) since April 2018. Installation of charge points across Coventry is ongoing with a total of 35 rapid chargers installed and operational thus far.