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ESB helping to put the pieces together for Jigsaw

Information is power, especially when it can drive positive change in important areas such as mental health.

The information derived from My World Survey 1 in 2012, for instance, was pivotal in directly helping to shape the provision of supports and services for young people across Ireland. That survey – led by Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health in Ireland – remains one of the most significant studies of its kind in this country.

Among the most striking findings from this study were:

  • Almost one in three young people reported feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Excessive use of alcohol use was reported by 58% of young people, aged 16 years plus.
  • 41% of adolescents reported having being bullied at some point in their lives

Much has changed in the last six years since that survey was published – increased political uncertainty, national and global upheaval, widespread societal changes, a relentless digital revolution and more.

But what effect has all of these changes having on our young people? How can we better understand the landscape for a young man or woman, boy or girl in Ireland today and how can we analyse and interpret these insights to inform new responses and evolved thinking around the best mental health supports for young people?

More importantly, how can leading companies, such as ESB, play a role in supporting organisations and people to spearhead initiatives and services in the area of mental health?

nofee jigsaw my world survey

As part of its Energy for Generations Fund, ESB is supporting the roll-out of My World Survey 2. Through this fund, ESB awards €1m in direct funding to charities working in the areas of suicide prevention, homelessness and education access and support.

ESB recognises the need to fund such work as carried out by Jigsaw and its objectives in carrying out this mammoth piece of research work – My World Survey 2. 

Objectives of My World Survey 2

  • Compare data from areas in Ireland served by Jigsaw services to non-Jigsaw service areas on risk and protective factors indicative of mental health
  • Provide data on key youth mental health indicators
  • Provide data on risk and protective factors in predicting suicidal behaviour

For Jigsaw, they say that this survey represents a unique opportunity for its partners and donors, including ESB, to be part of a seminal and vitally important piece of work that will directly impact the future of our young people’s mental health. They believe that My World Survey 2 can shed light on issues we didn’t know existed and can raise questions we hadn’t realised even needed asking.

Your Voice Matters

Jigsaw is encouraging everyone to participate in this comprehensive study, from sharing it with family and friends to participating in the survey.

To learn more or enquire about registration please contact
