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ESB Board Members

Our Board comprises 12 members appointed by the Minister for the Environment, Climate & Communications. Board members include the Chairman, the Chief Executive, six independent Non-executive Directors and four elected Worker Directors.

The Board Members:

  • bring independent and objective scrutiny to the oversight of the organisation;
  • are challenging when necessary while being supportive to the delivery of organisational strategy and objectives;
  • are equipped to offer considered advice on the basis of sound judgement and experience; and
  • make a time commitment to their work commensurate with their role.


The appointment and remuneration of Board members (including the Chairman) is determined by the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform and the Minister for the Environment, Climate Communications.  Under the “one person/one salary rule”, the Chief Executive does not receive a board fee.  Terms and conditions are set out in Board member’s Warrants of Appointment.

Trevor Walsh, white man with grey/black hair and wearing black suit and white shirt and purple tie Trevor Walsh

Appointment and Term
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026

Career Experience
A Technical Service Supervisor in ESB Networks. Previous roles included System Manager, Customer Service Supervisor, Training Officer and Network Technician. Started his career in ESB as an apprentice electrician and has accumulated over 20 years’ experience within ESB.

External Appointments
Chairman of the ESB Connect Technical Supervisor Branch. A Connect representative in the ESB Group of Unions. Connect representative at the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and a member of the National Worker Director Group.